SANYO DENKI CO., LTD. product and technology information site
Case Study
"Voltage Dip Compensators" to cope with unstable power conditions

What is a reliable system that supplies power completely without interruption even in the event of a momentary dip or interruption?

Machine tool manufacturer P (Number of employees: approx. 2,000)


Securing a stable supply of electricity is one of the important requirements for expanding business overseas. Especially in emerging countries, where voltage fluctuations and power outages are frequent, a constant stable supply of electricity is required for production facilities that perform precision machining.

Frequent "instantaneous dips" and "instantaneous interruptions"...power conditions are a bottleneck in development

Company P manufactures and sells various factory automation equipment, including machine tools. The company recently embarked on the development of a new laser processing machine for Japanese companies with production bases overseas. However, the unstable power supply situation overseas was a bottleneck in the development. Mr. M, the manager of the company's development department, said the following:

"Laser processing machines perform precision processing on the micron level, so stable laser output is an essential requirement. However, the power situation overseas is often unstable, and in addition to momentary voltage drops (*1), momentary power outages (*2) are a common occurrence. For this reason, we needed a way to ensure a stable supply of power to prevent damage to the system."

*1 Voltage sag (instantaneous voltage drop)
A phenomenon in which voltage drops for 0.07 to 2 seconds due to a failure in a power line or other equipment.
*2 Instantaneous power outage (momentary power outage)
A phenomenon in which a momentary power outage occurs due to a failure of a power line or other equipment.
For details, see Basic knowledge and countermeasures for power outages: What are the types of power outages and what are "momentary power outages, momentary dips and momentary interruptions"?

UPS is being considered as an option, but maintenance costs are an issue

Mr. M then considered a UPS as an option, but issues remained regarding battery performance, etc.
"UPS uses lead batteries, so regular maintenance such as replacing the batteries every three to five years is required. Also, if power drops or interruptions occur frequently, the system will have to switch to battery power supply each time, which could shorten the battery's lifespan and increase maintenance costs."

  • A stable supply of power is always required.
  • There is concern that frequent "momentary drops" and "momentary power outages" will shorten the battery life.
  • Maintenance costs such as battery replacement are increasing.



Realizing a completely uninterrupted power supply not only for momentary drops but also for momentary blackouts

Continuing to gather information, Mr. M contacted SANYO DENKI CO., LTD. where he had previously employed people in another department, and discussed these issues.
Upon receiving the call, a SANYO DENKI CO., LTD. representative visited Company P, listened to the company's issues in detail, and then proposed the SANUPS C23A Voltage Dip Compensators.
This proposal strongly appealed to the staff of Company P.

"We focused on the fact that this product can handle not only momentary drops but also momentary blackouts, and also provides a completely uninterrupted power supply. We looked at various products from other companies, but they only handled momentary drops and did not compensate for momentary blackouts. SANYO DENKI CO., LTD. 's products were the only ones that provided a completely uninterrupted power supply in both cases of momentary drops and momentary blackouts. We were confident that this would fully overcome the challenge of a stable power supply." (Mr. M)

Active filter function for harmonic current countermeasures

Mr. M was also troubled by the fact that overseas, measures against "harmonics" generated by equipment are insufficient.
"So that our customers can use our laser processing machines with the same peace of mind as they can in Japan, it is essential to take measures against harmonics. The SANUPS C23A has an active filter function, and Inverter cancels the harmonics emitted by the laser processing machine. Another attractive feature was that the input current always maintains a clean sine wave, so it does not adversely affect other equipment." (Mr. M)

Electric double layer capacitors realize long-term maintenance-free operation

Furthermore, Mr. M was surprised by the advantages in terms of maintenance.
"The SANUPS C23A is an electric double-layer capacitor, so it has a longer expected lifespan than UPS lead batteries, and we expect it to significantly reduce maintenance and operating costs," says Mr. M.

Thus, Company P decided to officially adopt the "SANUPS C23A."
"By adding the SANUPS C23A as an option to our lineup, we can now confidently recommend it to customers who are considering installing equipment in areas with unstable power conditions. This is also a major stepping stone for our company as we consider our future global expansion. We are very grateful to SANYO DENKI CO., LTD.." (Mr. M)

  • Realizes completely uninterrupted power supply even during momentary dips and power outages.
  • Long-life electric double layer capacitors make maintenance-free operation possible.
  • The "active filter function" cancels the harmonics of the laser processing machine.


release date:

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