SANYO DENKI CO., LTD. product and technology information site
Case Study
Effective use of renewable energy to realize smart communities

What is the mechanism that can be deployed in VPP (Virtual Power Plant)?

System Integrator Company G (Number of employees: approx. 1,000)


Smart communities are communities where energy used in homes, businesses, factories, and other facilities is visibly managed and effectively utilized throughout the community using information and telecommunications technology. Many municipalities have already begun implementing smart community initiatives.

Utilization of renewable energy with a view to realizing smart communities

City A has about 300 factories and has a high demand for electric power. The construction of a system that can provide a stable supply of electric energy, which is indispensable for ordinary households as well, is an important issue in the industrial, commercial, agricultural, forestry, and consumer sectors. Smart communities" are attracting attention as a new mechanism to realize this goal.

Company G was working on a project related to the "Smart Community Concept Dissemination Support Project" for this region. Mr. K, the person in charge of the project, said the following.
In order to realize a smart community, it is necessary to have a system that can grasp the amount of energy demand and supply in real time and distribute it appropriately.
This project was the first step in this direction, and it was intended to realize the optimal use of renewable energy by monitoring the amount of electricity supplied by the photovoltaic power generation system and the energy demand of model business sites.
To achieve this, it was necessary to collectively manage information from multiple devices. To achieve this, it was necessary to manage information from multiple devices in a single system, which would require matching the communication specifications of the devices, and we anticipated a huge amount of man-hours to build this system."

Mr. K continued to gather information, but without success.

  • Future smart communities.
  • We want to understand the amount of energy demand and supply and distribute it appropriately.



Unifying the manufacturer of Grid Management System and power conditioners to overcome compatibility issues

Mr. K visited an exhibition to gather information, and consulted with a person at the SANYO DENKI CO., LTD. booth about this issue. The person later visited G and proposed a solution that combined Grid Management System" SANUPS K23A M Type," the power conditioner For Photovoltaic Generation Systems" SANUPS P73J," and "SANUPS Monitor K."

"Grid Management System was equipped with functions to realize a smart community. It can collect power generation information from solar cells and other sources and power consumption information from multiple devices, and optimally control the flow of power according to power demand. In addition, by using SANUPS Monitor K, it is possible to visualize the power status of equipment. Because Grid Management System and power conditioner are made by the same manufacturer, there are no problems with compatibility of communication specifications," says K.

Can be deployed in VPPs. Groundwork has been laid for the realization of smart communities.

"What's more, SANUPS K23A M Type can continue to supply power without interruption even during a power outage, so it can be used for important loads such as servers. In other words, there are no restrictions on the load equipment, so you can freely configure your system. This means we can propose it with confidence to meet a variety of needs." (Mr. K)
After careful consideration, Mr. K decided on his company's proposal to combine the "SANUPS K23A M Type," "SANUPS P73J," and "SANUPS Monitor K."

Company G was able to put together a good proposal for the effective use of renewable energy.
We were able to lay the groundwork for the realization of a smart community as originally planned. In the future, we would like to expand the project to include virtual power plants (VPPs).

  • Visualization of electricity supply and demand by collecting information on power generation by solar cells and electricity consumption by devices.
  • By unifying the manufacturer of Grid Management System and power conditioner, the issue of communication specifications was resolved.
  • Uninterruptible power supply, so the load devices are not limited and the system can be constructed freely.
  • Laying the groundwork for the realization of smart communities and virtual power plants (VPPs).


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