SANYO DENKI CO., LTD. product and technology information site
Case Study
You need backup for your factory equipment, but you want to keep the implementation costs down.

How can we reduce the capacity of the UPS while still preventing voltage drops in equipment?

Beverage manufacturer J (Number of employees: approx. 100)
  • We want to prevent equipment from stopping due to power outages or voltage drops and maintain a stable production volume.
  • Power backup is necessary, but costs need to be kept low.
  • By installing Uninterruptible Power Supplies" SANUPS A11J", stable production volume is maintained.
  • By limiting the backup range, UPS capacity is reduced, reducing implementation costs.

Due to recent climate change and other factors, the risk of power outages and voltage drops(*) is on the rise. Voltage drops caused by lightning strikes in particular are extremely short-lived, but they can cause malfunctions and shutdowns of production facilities, leading to significant damage.

*Voltage sag (momentary voltage drop): A phenomenon in which voltage drops for 0.07 to 2 seconds due to a failure in a power line or other equipment.
For more information Basic knowledge about and countermeasures against power outages: What are the types of power outages and what are momentary power outages, dips, and interruptions?


Homogenizers frequently stop due to power outages and voltage drops, so we are considering installing a UPS, but...

Company J is a beverage manufacturer that processes milk and produces dairy products and soft drinks. Over the past few years, the company has been plagued by repeated power supply problems. Manager K of the Production Management Department explains:
"Every time there was a power outage or voltage drop, the factory's equipment would stop, which significantly reduced production efficiency. A particular problem was the stoppage of homogenizers. A homogenizer is a machine that makes the particles contained in a liquid uniform. Dairy products such as milk have a tendency to settle and float, so they need to be stirred and homogenized using a homogenizer. However, once a power outage or voltage drop occurs, it takes around three hours to restart this equipment, and in some cases raw materials may have to be discarded. While food waste is a pain, the inability to stabilize production volume was an even bigger problem," says K.

Mr. K therefore decided to consider using a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supplies) to back up power.
"When we consulted with a manufacturer we had been doing business with, they proposed a UPS with a larger capacity than we had anticipated. The reason for this was that it was selected to match the inrush current of the homogenizer's motor specifications. Apparently, when starting up, the motor requires an inrush current several times higher than normal. However, the introduction costs of a large-capacity UPS were extremely high, making it difficult to implement in a food factory like ours," said Mr. K.


Reduce implementation costs by limiting the backup scope

So Mr. K consulted with a partner company about his problems. They introduced him to a sales representative from SANYO DENKI CO., LTD., a company with which they did business. After listening to Mr. K's detailed explanation of his problems, the SANYO DENKI CO., LTD. sales representative proposed SANUPS A11J Uninterruptible Power Supplies.
"We found that voltage fluctuations were the main cause, so we narrowed our focus to measures to combat momentary drops. Furthermore, by limiting the backup range to the system's control unit, we were told that we would be able to reduce the capacity of the UPS, without having to select one based on the inrush current at motor startup. The SANUPS A11J that they proposed has a capacity of 5kVA, which would allow us to significantly reduce both installation and running costs. We felt that this was a proposal that really hit the nail on the head." (Mr. K)

The "SANUPS A11J" is a model that uses Double Conversion Online, and is highly reliable because it rectifies commercial power. In addition, because it has a wide input voltage range, it can reduce the frequency of switching to battery power even in an unstable power environment, and suppress battery deterioration. Mr. K was convinced by the proposal and immediately carried out internal verification in preparation for its implementation.
"The sales staff at SANYO DENKI CO., LTD. responded quickly, arranging a demo unit and providing support during installation. Thanks to that, the testing went smoothly." (Mr. K)

Eliminates equipment stoppages caused by frequent voltage drops

After receiving approval from the head office, Mr. K soon installed SANUPS A11J at his factory.
"Since installing the SANUPS A11J, the sudden equipment shutdowns and production loss times that occurred several times a year have disappeared, and we have been able to stabilize production at the factory. We would like to continue asking SANYO DENKI CO., LTD. for various help in the future." (Mr. K)


release date:

UPS/Power Conditioner
[Basic knowledge and countermeasures for power outages] Lesson 4
Power outage prevention device - What is the difference between an emergency generator and a UPS?
UPS/Power Conditioner
[Basic knowledge and countermeasures for power outages] Lesson 3
Power supply troubles caused by inrush currents and harmonics
UPS/Power Conditioner
[Basic knowledge and countermeasures for power outages] Lesson 2
What are the types of power outages, "momentary power outages, momentary power drops, and power outages" and what are their differences, causes, and countermeasures?
List of UPS and power conditioner cases