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Case Study
I want to protect my production line from power problems caused by lightning strikes and other issues!

What is the "Parallel Processing" that supplies completely uninterrupted power?

Beverage manufacturer T (Number of employees: approx. 150)


In recent years, failures caused by abnormalities in the power supply have become a major concern for the manufacturing industry. Power outages, momentary drops(*1), and momentary interruptions(*2) caused by power transmission problems due to lightning strikes on the power transmission lines that make up the power system and power noise can, in the worst case scenario, cause system shutdowns and damage to equipment.

*1 Voltage sag (instantaneous voltage drop)
A phenomenon in which voltage drops for 0.07 to 2 seconds due to a failure in a power line or other equipment.
*2 Instantaneous power outage (momentary power outage)
Instantaneous power outage (momentary power failure) A phenomenon in which a momentary power outage occurs due to a failure of a power transmission line or the like.

Factories are operating at full capacity, and measures to ensure stable operation of production lines are an "immediate necessity"

Company T manufactures bottled beverages and other products. The company has recently received an order from a major convenience store to manufacture private label products, which has resulted in a sudden increase in production volume. To prevent delivery delays due to problems, the company has begun taking measures to ensure stable operation of its production lines. Of particular concern was the possibility of line stoppages caused by power outages, momentary drops, or momentary interruptions due to lightning strikes or heavy rain. Manager S of Company T's Production Management Department said the following.

"If the line stopped, several hundred bottles of product would be lost per minute. There were also concerns about equipment failure, beverages boiling over, and other problems, as well as the risk of a fire breaking out during the heating process of the labeler. In the unlikely event of a fire breaking out, even if the fire was put out, the clean room for the bottling process would need to be cleaned. Considering the time and manpower required to restore the line, the damage could be fatal to our company. The factory was operating at full capacity, so we needed to take action right away."

We considered installing a voltage drop/power outage countermeasure device, but we didn't know the best solution for our factory...

In addition, Mr. S was also concerned about other problems caused by voltage sags and how to deal with harmonic currents generated by the power equipment in the factory.
"In the past, we have had product defects due to sensor anomalies caused by voltage drops. In addition, our factory is subject to the Harmonic Suppression Guidelines, so we must comply with them. In addition to ensuring stable operation of the line, there were other issues that required measures," said Mr. S.

  • We want to prevent line stoppages in the event of a power outage, momentary drop, or momentary interruption.
  • We also want to take measures against harmonic currents generated by power equipment in the factory.



"Parallel Processing" provides "completely uninterrupted" power supply and significantly reduces power consumption

Mr. S considered introducing Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) or Voltage Dip Compensators, but was troubled by the fact that he could not decide on the best solution for his factory. Distressed, Mr. S contacted SANYO DENKI CO., LTD. Denki, with whom he had previously done business in another department, and asked for advice on the problem.

"We were considering backing up the power system, so we decided that a UPS would be best. However, with a UPS, Passive Standby normally supplies commercial power, so power loss is small, but in the event of a power outage, it takes time to switch to Inverter, resulting in momentary interruptions. Double Conversion Online always supplies power through Inverter, regardless of whether there is a power outage or not, so in the event of a power outage, power can be supplied without momentary interruptions, but the power loss is large. We couldn't decide which method to choose," said Mr. S.

So the SANYO DENKI CO., LTD. representative proposed the SANUPS E23A, a UPS with Parallel Processing that combines the advantages of both methods. Mr. S was very interested in this proposal.

"Unlike the other two methods, the 'Parallel Processing' proposed to us connects the commercial power supply and Inverter in parallel, so it supplies commercial power under normal circumstances, and in the event of a power outage, momentary drop, or interruption, Inverter can provide completely uninterrupted power. Compared to Double Conversion Online it reduces power loss, and there is no need to worry about equipment failure due to line stoppages. In addition, with a high conversion efficiency of 97%, we are hopeful that it will also enable us to significantly reduce power consumption." (Mr. S)

It also solves the previously troublesome issue of "harmonic currents," achieving further cost reductions

Furthermore, this proposal also solves the problem of harmonic currents.
"The SANUPS E23A's active filter function provides a reverse current to the harmonic current emitted by the motor, thereby cancelling out the harmonic current. What's more, it has an overload capacity of 800% (500ms) and is highly resistant to the inrush current (*3) generated when the motor is in operation, so a smaller capacity than other companies' products is sufficient, and it also saves space and reduces costs. Taking into account the unique circumstances of a factory, it was the perfect proposal for us." (Mr. S)

*3 When powering up an electrical device, a large current that flows temporarily in excess of the rated current at the initial stage.

Mr. S was convinced by the proposal and immediately conducted an internal review, and soon after, Company T decided to officially adopt the "SANUPS E23A."

This is how Company T ended up introducing SANYO DENKI CO., LTD. Denki UPS.
"Until now, when thunder began to rumble at night, we were always worried about the impact of momentary power outages on our equipment, but by introducing the SANUPS E23A, we have been relieved of such worries. We have also been able to achieve improvements that were not even part of our original challenges, such as drastically reducing power consumption, saving space, and reducing costs. We are very grateful to SANYO DENKI CO., LTD.." (Mr. S)

For more information about Parallel Processing, please also see" Parallel Processing UPS".

  • The "Parallel Processing" realizes "completely uninterrupted" power supply.
  • It has a higher conversion efficiency than the full-time Inverter method and significantly reduces power consumption.
  • It also supports irregular currents such as "inrush current" and "harmonic current."


release date:

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