Case Study
Want to reduce equipment troubles even in areas with poor power supply conditions?

battery-less absolute encoder solves all your problems at once!

Cutting machine manufacturer Y (Number of employees: approx. 50)


As manufacturing companies advance into Asia, they are being asked to achieve the same production quality as in Japan. For this reason, maintaining the quality of production lines even in areas with unstable power sources has become a challenge for manufacturers.

Want to reduce equipment troubles even in areas with poor power supply conditions?

Company Y, a cutting machine manufacturer, is currently developing a new model for Asian markets such as Thailand and China. Mr. S, a member of the design and development department, was facing an issue regarding the specifications of the new product.

"Because many areas have poor power supply conditions, we use servo motors with absolute encoders on each axis of our equipment so that we can continue working even in the event of a power outage. However, in order for the absolute encoder to maintain the axis position, a battery is required to store the data. If this battery runs out, an encoder error occurs, not only making it impossible to resume work, but it can also lead to the waste of products. Because our equipment is equipped with many motors, reducing the amount of labor required for regular maintenance was an issue for us," said Mr. S.

The problem wasn't just with the power supply; it was also with personnel.
"In factories in Asia, production line workers are often still unfamiliar with their work, making it difficult to identify the cause when equipment errors occur, which leads to chaos at the production site. For this reason, our engineers had to visit the factory every time the equipment stopped working. We wanted to avoid simple problems like battery errors, which accompany absolute encoders." (Mr. S)
Mr. S was gathering information to reduce equipment problems.

  • I would like to use a servo motor with an absolute encoder for each axis of the device.
  • I want to avoid problems such as battery errors.
  • I want to reduce maintenance man-hours.



battery-less absolute encoder solves all your problems at once!

Mr. S, who had been continuing to gather information, explained the current situation to a person in charge at SANYO DENKI and sought their advice.
A SANYO DENKI representative suggested that the issues Mr. S was facing could be resolved with battery-less absolute encoder.
"battery-less absolute encoder, Model No. HA035, stores position data in non-volatile memory, so there is no need for a battery to store position information. This means there is no need for maintenance, and no need to incur the hassle or cost of changing batteries. This solves all equipment problems caused by dead batteries in one fell swoop," said a SANYO DENKI representative.

Mr. S immediately ordered samples and began evaluating them.
"The advantage of going battery-less is huge. It's revolutionary. The device is equipped with many motors, so a major benefit is that it can reduce the cost of periodic battery replacement and maintenance work. Since batteries are no longer necessary, we can also expect to reduce the space required for the device. Other key points were that it can withstand an environmental vibration of 15G and can be used in a temperature range of -20°C to +105°C." (Mr. S)

Additionally, Company Y was also attracted by SANYO DENKI 's detailed customization service, such as connector processing, and its global technical support system.
"We have successfully completed the development of our new product, and our overseas expansion is also going smoothly. We would like to consult with SANYO DENKI again for our next development." (Mr. S)

  • battery-less absolute encoder reduces maintenance work.
  • Solves equipment troubles caused by dead batteries.
  • Detailed customization and technical support system.


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