Case Study
Want to increase the number of compatible reagents for multi-analyzers?

What is the motor that has reduced development time and costs?

Medical device manufacturer L (Number of employees: approx. 100)
  • In order to reduce equipment costs, we would like to reduce motor costs as well.
  • Information on replacing or standardizing motors cannot be obtained from online vendors.
  • Due to the short development period, we would like to simplify in-house evaluation.
  • Cost reduction is achieved by consolidating motors into one type.
  • By listening to your needs in detail, we can make speedy selections and provide optimal proposals.
  • Rapid support ensures smooth in-house evaluation.
Automated biochemistry analyzers that perform blood analysis and other analyses play an important role as indispensable equipment for diagnosing and monitoring illnesses. In recent years, due to an increase in the number of test items, there is a growing market need for multi-analyzers that can perform tests in various fields with a single device.


Online vendors sell at list price and offer no technical support...

Company L develops and manufactures various solutions in the medical equipment field. The company has recently been working on developing a new model of its main product, a multi-analyzer, that can handle a greater number of reagents than previous models. Manager N of the company's development department design division says the following.
"For the next model, we needed to reduce vibration to improve reliability and also cut costs. Currently, we purchase motors at list price from a company that mainly sells online. However, because it is an online company, we had to take the time to respond to inquiries, so we were thinking of reconsidering where we purchase motors."

At the same time, Mr. N was instructed to standardize some components, such as motors, within the department.
"As we wanted to mass-produce for both domestic and overseas markets, standardizing parts was essential as a cost-cutting initiative across the entire department. When moving forward with motor replacement and standardization, it was necessary to check detailed specifications such as torque characteristics. With online suppliers, we were unable to receive prompt responses to inquiries or satisfactory technical support," said Mr. N.
With the development schedule running tight, anxiety was spreading among Mr. N and the rest of the development team.



By consolidating motors into one type, we have succeeded in reducing costs and simplifying replacement work.

Mr. N consulted with SANYO DENKI, a company with which he had dealings in another department. Later, a SANYO DENKI representative visited L in person, listened to the issues that Mr. N and his development team were facing in detail, and proposed SANMOTION F2 ( 2-phase ) two-phase stepping motor.
"We consulted with them about things including standardizing parts. Currently, we use three types of motors for the five axes, but they proposed consolidating them into one type of motor that would produce the most torque. They also said they would change the winding specifications so that the current motors could be easily replaced. This proposal took into account our company's lack of motor knowledge and short development schedule." (Mr. N)

The SANYO DENKI representative provided Mr. N with a sample for evaluation. The internal evaluation went smoothly, and Company L soon decided to adopt SANMOTION F2 ( 2-phase ) two-phase stepping motor. Work continued smoothly thereafter, and the development of the new model was completed on schedule.
"They also customized the system to fit our specified connectors, which helped reduce assembly time. Standardizing parts also reduced stock and maintenance costs, which helped us reduce total costs. We're grateful to Sanyo SANYO DENKI for their speedy response, from proposals, sample provision, in-house evaluation, and subsequent support." (Mr. N)

For more information about stepping motors, please see "What is a stepping motor? An explanation of its structure, types, usage (drive system and control method), advantages and features."


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