Case Study
5G communication equipment generates increasing amounts of heat. What new cooling measures should be taken?

What is a "Centrifugal Fan" that reduces the number of fans while improving cooling performance?

Telecommunications equipment manufacturer C (Number of employees: approx. 200)
  • 5G communications equipment generates a lot of heat and requires better cooling performance than conventional equipment.
  • Reduce the number of fans to improve cooling performance.
  • I want to take thorough measures to prevent corrosion of the fan board.
  • We offer Centrifugal Fan with industry-leading high airflow and high static pressure.
  • Two Centrifugal Fan provide more cooling performance than four conventional fans.
  • The board is customized by applying a moisture-proofing material to prevent corrosion.
5G is attracting attention as the next-generation communications standard. While 5G will enable faster and larger-volume communications than the conventional 4G, communications equipment is also tending to generate more heat due to the massive amount of information processing required, requiring more efficient cooling systems.


Heat countermeasures for 5G communication equipment: How to reduce the number of fans while improving cooling performance

Company C, a communications equipment manufacturer working to improve the communications environment in South Asia, has begun developing communications infrastructure in anticipation of the spread of 5G. 5G will enable faster, larger-volume communications than previous generations, but more advanced information processing means more heat is generated, making the creation of a new cooling system a challenge. Manager F, in charge of development at Company C, explains:
"There is still a lot of 3G equipment in Asia and Africa, so we are rapidly replacing it with equipment that is compatible with 4G and 5G. Our previous 3G-compatible equipment used four axial fans, but 5G tends to generate more heat, so we needed a more powerful cooling system. However, we had to reduce the number of parts, and our superiors asked us to reduce the number of fans. In addition, because the equipment will be installed outdoors, we also had to consider measures to prevent corrosion of the fan circuit boards, so we had a mountain of headaches," said Mr. F.
Mr. F was looking for a cooling fan that could overcome these difficult challenges.



"Centrifugal Fan" reduce the number of fans from four to two

Centrifugal Fan structure
▲Structure of Centrifugal Fan

Mr. F, who was looking for a cooling fan that could handle the increasing amount of heat generated, consulted SANYO DENKI, which did business with other departments, about the problem and was suggested Centrifugal Fan.
"We were very excited to hear that two Centrifugal Fan Centrifugal Fan could provide the cooling performance of the four axial fans that we had previously been using. Initially, the development team had not thought of using centrifugal fans, but we discovered that they combine high airflow and high static pressure, making them ideal for cooling large, densely packed equipment such as communications equipment and servers." (Mr. F)

Centrifugal Fan structure
▲Structure of Centrifugal Fan

For more information about Centrifugal Fan see Knowledge Fan Basics: Characteristics of Centrifugal Fan

Customised corrosion protection and technical support from our designers

Upon receiving Mr. F's request, SANYO DENKI immediately arranged for samples to be sent to Company C. Company C confirmed that two units would provide sufficient cooling performance as proposed.
"In addition, SANYO DENKI 's designers provided technical support. One of our concerns was the corrosion prevention measures for the fan circuit board, and they customized the fan by applying a moisture-proofing material. They also helped us extend the lead wires and expand the voltage range," said Mr. F.

Company C was satisfied with the customization and thorough support, and soon decided to officially adopt the system.
"Using Centrifugal Fan had never occurred to me before, so this was a new discovery for me. SANYO DENKI properly understood our requirements and provided us with the optimal solution. I look forward to consulting with them again in the future." (Mr. F)

For more information about Centrifugal Fan please see "Characteristics of Centrifugal Fan ".


release date:

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Airflow resistance of the device
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Fan noise and sound pressure level
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List of fan cases