Centrifugal Fan has a motor in the center with an impeller attached to it; it does not have a frame like an axial fan.
The way in which air is expelled is also different between axial and Centrifugal Fan. Whereas an axial fan expels the air it draws in directly to the rear, Centrifugal Fan turns the air it draws in at a 90° angle and expels it radially from the side due to the centrifugal force generated by the rotation of the impeller.
Basically, when using Centrifugal Fan, an inlet nozzle is installed so that the fan can take in air efficiently. By clearly separating the intake space from the exhaust space, the fan can take in air efficiently, maximizing Centrifugal Fan 's capabilities.
Figure 1: Structure of Centrifugal Fan
▲Figure 2: Comparison of axial fan and wind speed distribution
Figure 3: Example of ventilation resistance and air volume - static pressure characteristics
Centrifugal Fan structure is completely different from that of an axial fan, so there is no flat swirl stall region as in P-Q performance of an axial fan. Therefore, P-Q performance of Centrifugal Fan becomes a curve close to a straight line. Also, the power consumption curve and sound pressure level curve tend to change depending on the model number.
Figure 3: Example of ventilation resistance and air volume - static pressure characteristics
Centrifugal Fan Since there is no swirl stall area in P-Q performance, the usable operating point range is wider than that of an axial flow fan in terms of the operating point position with airflow resistance. Centrifugal Fan The power consumption curve and sound pressure level curve in Fig. 3.2.1 show different trends depending on the model number, but sound pressure may be lower or power consumption may be lower than that of an axial flow fan used at the same operating point.
Because of their high static pressure and strong airflow characteristics, they are suitable for applications that move a lot of air, such as air replacement inside large equipment and heat exchangers.
Supervised by: SANYO DENKI CO., LTD. Cooling System Design Department
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