SANYO DENKI CO., LTD. product and technology information site
[All you need to know about UPS] Parallel redundancy

With a parallel redundant type UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supplies), you are fully prepared in the unlikely event of a UPS failure!

  Basic knowledge and countermeasures for power outages

  Everything you need to know about UPS

  Key points for selecting a UPS based on your operating environment

  Points to consider when selecting a UPS for each type of factory

A stable power supply is extremely important in the modern business environment. In particular, in places such as factories and data centers where an interruption in the power supply can have a significant impact, it is necessary to use Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) as a countermeasure.
However, risk management in the unlikely event that the UPS itself fails can be a blind spot.

This is where the "parallel redundant type UPS" comes in. In this article, we will explain the basics of parallel redundant type UPS, its benefits, and our related series in detail.

1. What is a parallel redundant type UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supplies)?

A "parallel redundant system" is a system in which two or more UPS units with parallel operation function are connected in parallel, as opposed to a normal single-unit UPS, so that in the unlikely event that a UPS unit fails, the other UPS units can continue to supply power. This significantly improves the reliability of the power supply.

For example, by connecting three UPS units in parallel, even if one unit breaks down, the remaining two units can continue to supply power, improving the reliability of the entire system.

Parallel redundant system

2. Advantages of parallel redundant type UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supplies)

A parallel redundant type UPS not only provides reliability by protecting against the risk of the UPS itself failing, but also offers a variety of other benefits.


Advantage 1: High reliability in case of UPS failure

By running two or more UPS Inverter units with parallel operation function in parallel, even if a UPS fails, the other UPS Inverter units can continue to supply power, significantly improving the reliability of the power supply.

Facilities where a power outage could cause severe damage, such as a factory's central monitoring system, instrumentation system, process computer, or server room, require a highly reliable UPS such as a parallel redundant type.

Advantage 2: Flexible capacity expansion

With a parallel redundant type UPS, you can increase the power supply capacity of the entire system by adding UPS units as needed. This allows you to flexibly respond to future increases in power usage. For example, even if your current power demand is 10kVA, if you need 20kVA in the future, you can respond by introducing an additional UPS unit.

Our units vary in capacity from 1kVA to 5kVA to 100kVA, so you can choose the optimum capacity for any situation.

Parallel redundant system

Advantage 3: Ease of maintenance

If the UPS is in parallel redundant operation, you can replace a UPS unit without stopping the power output. If the UPS has a maintenance bypass circuit, you can replace the unit during bypass operation, so there is no need to stop the equipment.

Power outage damage: time and money

3. Our parallel redundant type UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supplies) and recommended usage scenarios

SANYO DENKI CO., LTD. offers a variety of parallel redundant type UPS to suit your needs.



It has a capacity of 5kVA to 20kVA, and up to four 5kVA units can be combined.
It is possible to operate in parallel with one unit as a spare unit.


It has a capacity of 5kVA to 20kVA, and up to four 5kVA units can be combined.
Because it is a lithium-ion battery UPS, it has the following features compared to the lead-acid battery-based SANUPS A11N.

  •  ●バッテリー長寿命(期待寿命10年 ※25℃環境下)
  •  ●使用温度範囲が広い(使用環境:0~55℃)
  •  ●省スペース・軽量

In factories such as chemical plants, steel mills, semiconductor plants, pharmaceutical plants, and food factories where a power outage could lead to a serious accident, parallel redundant UPS are used to avoid the unlikely risk of a UPS failure. In addition, parallel redundant UPS using lithium-ion batteries are extremely useful for the following reasons:

  •  ●工場内のUPS台数が多く,バッテリー交換にかかる工数の削減が必要
  •  ●幅広い周囲温度の中でUPSを可動する
  •  ●スペースが限られる

We also recommend this article: A thorough comparison of UPS lithium-ion batteries and lead-acid batteries!





In addition, the UPS has the following features that make it suitable for use overseas:

  •  ●UL/CE/UKCA 規格対応に対応
  •  ●100Vモデルだけでなく,200Vモデルもラインナップ
  •  ●幅広い入力電源範囲
    (100V系タイプが55~150V,200V系タイプは110~300V,入力周波数範囲は40~120Hz ※負荷率40%未満の場合)
  •  ●端子台仕様でコンセント形状の違いなど考えなくてよい

For this reason, the SANUPS A11M is highly valued for being incorporated into equipment used overseas and for providing power to production facilities overseas.

  •  ●電力状況が不安定な海外でも,バッテリーの劣化を抑えたい
  •  ●小容量のため,装置に組み込んで使用したい
  •  ●生産設備など,UPS故障という万一のリスクも避けたい

We also recommend this article: Explaining precautions and safety standards when using UPS overseas!




6.25kVA~25kVAの容量を持ち,6.25kVAのユニットを組み合わせることで,最大25 kVA,並列冗長では18.75 kVAまでの幅広い電力容量に対応できます。

  • ●出力容量当たりの設置面積が業界最小。( 2023年8月31日現在。UPSで同等の給電方式、電圧、容量、バックアップ時間の場合。当社調べ。)
  • ●製品期待寿命15年(平均周囲温度30℃,必要な点検・部品交換を実施した場合)
  • ●各モジュール(ディスプレイ・UPSモジュール・バイパス)はプラグイン,バッテリトレーはコネクタ接続。


  • ●三相だと容量の大きなUPSしかなかったのに,6.25kVAから選べる。
  • ●限られたスペースに設置できる。
  • ●各モジュールが装置正面から脱着可能なため,保守作業が容易。


It has a capacity of 100kVA to 600kVA, and by combining 100kVA units, it can accommodate a wide range of power capacities.
This is a high-capacity, energy-efficient UPS that is suitable for situations with high power demands, such as large-scale factory equipment and production facilities.

We also recommend this article: Reduce your electricity bill by more than 3 million yen in 10 years by more than 50%!


With capacities ranging from 5kVA to 105kVA, a wide range of power capacities can be accommodated by combining 5kVA units.
It also complies with CE/UKCA standards, making it suitable for use in a wide range of situations, including overseas.

We also recommend this article: Explaining precautions and safety standards when using UPS overseas!

If you have any requests such as "I want to prepare for the risk of a parallel redundant UPS in the unlikely event that the UPS itself breaks down," or "I want to choose a UPS that suits my company's environment," please feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to hearing from you.

Please contact us to find the UPS that best suits your needs! Contact form

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